lisas hands on keyboard with cup of coffee

Why Should I Hire A Professional Web Designer For My Coaching Business?

Oh, so many reasons, but I am going to give you 10 big ones in this post.

You want to make your coaching website as professional and appealing to your target audience as possible. Your website is your online home that gives you the flexibility to self-express, communicate with others and make it easier for customers to know, like and trust you.

Trust those who specialize in website designing because they know what they are talking about – it’s their job! A professional looking site will help bolster your business and make more people feel welcome to come join your tribe.

It’s an investment in you and your business.

So, here are 10 reasons to hire a professional web designer for your coaching business!

1 – You save time & energy

Hiring a professional web design company, or in our case, a husband-wife team, gives you the benefit of hiring an expert who knows successful, efficient ways to create a web site quickly. The more time you spend on figuring out how to design your own website, fitting all the pieces together and trying to keep yourself from being frustrated is less time you have to spend with clients.

Not to mention, your energy is zapped day in and day out, and this doesn’t serve your clients, or you.

2 – Your website is unique to YOU

There are about millions, even billions of web sites on Internet. How are you going to make yours stand out? A professional website designer is able to create a website that is unique to your business, pleasant on the eye, have clear and easy navigation, load efficiently, and work properly in all the major browsers.

That’s what they do. Just like you wouldn’t call a car mechanic to fix your plumbing issue – and you wouldn’t attempt it yourself – a professional website designer spends their time perfecting their skills; it’s their profession.

3 – Your website is easy for visitors to use

A professional web designer will keep your visitors in mind and make it easy for them to navigate and travel around the website without getting confused. One of the main reasons people leave websites is because they can’t find what they are looking for.

The more difficult you make it for someone to reach out to you or learn more about you and what you do, the less client leads come to you, therefore, the less paid clients you have.

4 – You get ahead of the competition

Having a professionally designed website gives visitor’s confidence in your services and the belief that you know what you are doing. Competition is fierce of the Internet and first impressions are very important. Your website is the face of your business and needs to be welcoming, providing a clear path to what you want visitors to do.

5 – You can communicate your unique message

A professional web designer is experienced in knowing how to communicate your message. Be it through the use of colors, fonts, graphics etc., and will convey a clear consistent, compelling message that represents your spiritual life coach business.

Oftentimes, those who design their own website, have little knowledge of the way the design and the content work together. This is hurting your business and will keep you wondering why you even have a website.

6 – Your website is search engine friendly

One of the most important factors about a website is its presence in the search engines. A professional designer will know how to design your site so that it has a solid SEO foundation, which means you will be able to analyze your website traffic. This also means page titles are on point, keywords are used throughout and meta descriptions make sense.

7 – The difference between DIY website and a professionally designed website

There is a huge difference between a diy website and a professional website. Having a professionally designed website will provide you with a sense of security and pride about your services that no diy website can do.

8 – You are positioned as the expert

A good web designer will know how to make you look like the expert in your field by suggesting resources, source material, news articles and content that will make your business look knowledgeable. For prospective clients to become your paid clients they need to know that you are the expert. They need to trust that you can help them.

9 – You are trustworthy

A good web designer will be able to find ways to convey your trustworthiness through the use of images and/or text. This lets visitors know there is a real human on the other side that is worth hiring to help them.

10 – You establish credibility

Having a professionally designed website will enable your business to compete in the online space – to cut through the noise. A website designed by a professional will be able to present you in a way that will make people notice you.

Also, as you market your business, you know you have a safe, well-positioned home base to send people to. This makes you credible.

Your website is the digital home of your business.

It’s where your brand finds its closest connection with others and opens the door to growing your business. In other words, having a professionally designed website for your business isn’t just about design, style and strategy. Rather, it’s about what kind of image you hope to present, whom you want to attract as clients and how you want to be perceived in general.

Are you ready to discuss how hiring a professional web designer can help you grow and market your business? This is the investment that can turn your business around and generate momentum for you.

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Steve & Lisa

At JoLi Design Solutions, we don’t just build websites, we create the cornerstone of your digital marketing. Our desire to remain on the smaller, ‘mom and pop’ side of things keeps us close to each and every client we serve.

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