7 web design best practices to improve conversion rates on your wellness website 1

7 Web Design Best Practices To Improve Conversion Rates On Your Coaching Website

Your website is an essential tool for your business…

and often serves as the first impression to prospective clients. There are many important components of effective web design: white space, font selection, color schemes, layout, content and the design.

Within a matter of seconds, your homepage, and any page a visitor lands on, needs to introduce how you can help, what you offer and entice visitors to explore your site further.

All these components work together to provide a unique user experience.

7 Most Important Design Elements

1 – Your Main Navigation

Straightforward and intuitive navigation is another vital feature your website should include in the header. If you have a lot of pages for various services, lead magnets, other information – your main navigation menu doesn’t need everything.

Most wellness coaches/practitioners are going to have 5-7 pages that will fit just right. You can navigate to other pages from within pages. The navigation menu should be easy to locate with items that make sense to new visitors. It’s like a road map.

You’re providing visitors with a clear journey to follow on your website and it’s necessary to give prospective clients an overview of the content, as well as help them to locate the information they are looking for using the most efficient route. Take your visitors on a journey by guiding them to where you want them to go.

2 – Your Homepage Headline

Within a matter of seconds, your website needs to communicate to visitors what you have to offer. No matter where your visitors come from, meaning how they land on your website, they will often go to your homepage to “start from the beginning” and see what you’re all about.

A headline with a sub-headline or paragraph text should provide a clear description of your business and what you do or the services you provide.

This is usually 1-3 sentences of powerful, memorable, and concise text that targets your ideal clients’ needs. 

3 – Call to Action

The goal of your website is to pique the interest of visitors and prompt them to schedule a call, read a blog post, opt in to an offer, or simply to make a purchase.

A call to action (CTA) is one way to pull people into the interior pages, begin the selling cycle, or at least initiate direct contact. The main call to action on your homepage is the most important when someone lands on your website. What is the main action you want them to take?

The easier and more intriguing you make it for the visitor to click on your calls to action, the better the chance they will invest time in browsing your coaching website.

4 -Your Client Feedback

Providing testimonials or customer/client reviews, feedback in any form, is another powerful way to stimulate trust and establish your expertise. This shows new visitors that you know what you’re doing and provides key insights to your products or services. Success stories are a great way to inspire a positive first impression.

Sprinkle your “client love” throughout your website where it fits best. You do not need, nor should you have, a separate page for testimonials in the navigation.

Your “proof” can look many different ways. Here is an example from our website that shows Facebook reviews we have received. This is using a plugin called WP Social Ninja and it pulls in reviews and content from various social media platforms. It really is fantastic. Check it out and see what you think.

5 – Your Photos

To put it simply, people are visual. Use great photos, with a mix of stock and your original imagery that represent your brand and wellness vibe. You want your visitors to feel a certain way when they land on your website and evoke emotions that will encourage them to take action. High-quality, high-clarity images convey the impression of professionalism and competence.

Images are powerful elements that can quickly influence how users feel about your website. Using the right images in the right way can boost your conversion rates.

Happy, warm, and excited faces are optimal for your wellness coach website. You want to show a transformation and you can do this through imagery you select to use throughout your website.

Photos add a sense of credibility and integrity to a website.

6 -Text Content

The language of your site matters. It is best to not only describe what you do but to connect it to why it matters to the visitor. Keep your content simple and easy to read, and avoid industry jargon by being conscious of your target audience. Connecting with the visitor, using a brand-consistent voice, and convincing them about how they will benefit from you is essential for maintaining interest.

7 -Footer

An informational footer is arguably as important as your header navigation. Once your visitor reaches the end of your homepage, this area should provide three features: contact information, links, and social media integration.

Contact information encourages the visitor to get in contact with you. Links can be a helpful way to provide a mini-sitemap or encourage the user to check out interior pages. Providing links to social media accounts is a great way to encourage visitors to engage with your company on another medium.

Final Thoughts

Your website should clearly communicate your brand’s image, message, values and services – and be an accurate reflection of everything you and your business stands for.

Plus, it needs to be mobile-friendly, SEO optimized and easy to navigate. This article only scratched the surface of all that goes into a well-designed website.

Think of your website as a 24/7 assistant that’s always on, ready to share what you offer, who you are, and help you increase your impact by helping to improve the lives of more people.

If it isn’t doing all of these things, you are doing yourself a disservice.

Evaluating your website can give you perspective on how you can give it a fresh look. You don’t want an ineffective and outdated website. This can be an immediate turnoff to potential clients. You want to build trust with your audience and attract those like-minded clients you resonate with and who energetically bond with you. Those are the people you want in your orbit – to help improve their lives.

Provide comfort, value, ease and flow when someone comes to your home (i.e. your website). This takes some work, a little elbow grease if you will, and redesigning and refreshing your website is not a one night or a weekend task.

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Steve & Lisa Williams

At JoLi Design Solutions, we don’t just build websites, we create the cornerstone of your digital marketing. Our desire to remain on the smaller, ‘mom and pop’ side of things keeps us close to each and every client we serve.
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