7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Hire Us

lisas hands on keyboard with cup of coffee

Are you looking to hire a professional web designer?

Maybe you’re wanting to create your own space online with a website and you need some guidance to get there. Would you like someone knowledgeable in web design as well as digital marketing to have your back?

Did you start your business so you can do work you’re passionate about and serve people who light you up?

If this resonates with you, JoLi Design Solutions may be the right fit. We’ve helped several wellness coaches and consultants with our web design, hosting, maintenance and business growth services.

BUT, our services might NOT be the right fit for you. We know that might surprise you, after all, shouldn’t we be selling our service to anyone and everyone? Not so much… Here’s why.

Having worked with a variety of clients has helped us refine who inspires us, who lights us up and who makes us uncomfortable and on edge. There’s someone out there for everyone, and I’m not talking about a romantic partner, I’m talking about web design companies.

We don’t feel comfortable trying to get anyone to work with us, because the truth is, we’re not 100% right for everyone. This has taken a while to learn with the bumps and bruises to prove it – so now we are owning it.

Our services can only be successful if we work with the right people with the right mindset and this is why I’ve decided to write this article. I’ll preface by saying, if any of these ARE you, more power to ya. It’s all good. Like I said, there is someone for everyone and hey, if you don’t care for coffee, I won’t hold that against you!

Why You Should Not Hire Us For Your Website Design & Maintenance Needs

1 – You aren’t open to new ideas

When you work with us, the main focus is on you and your business – your website strategy, marketing, your soul’s purpose in doing what you do and tapping into your own unique value. If you are not open to new ideas, the journey will not be fun for you (or us) – and it should be. You also won’t see the results you desire and that’s a big bummer.

I have been around a block or two when it comes to digital marketing, website strategy and enjoy being able to share ideas and work WITH you. I’m not a fan of the “this is the way you need to do it” way of thinking. Ideas are great, but if they are not a great fit for you, then we abandon and try again.

The main point here is that if you are not even open to new ideas, we are not the company for you to hire.

2 – You aren’t ready to invest in your business growth

I’ll admit, we aren’t the cheapest web design company out there, but we also are not the most expensive. It’s all relative anyway, right? What you see as expensive, someone else will see as valuable and be ready to invest.

We do our best to work with your budget, for example, start out with a basic website then build as you go with more functionality and features, but we don’t devalue our work as a way to convince you to hire us.

If you aren’t ready to take the leap and trust that we have your back, it’s going to be a bumpy ride and neither one of us will be happy and passionate on this journey. We want you to be ready. We want you to be excited!

3 – You don’t have time to do what you need to do

Web design, marketing, strategy – this takes time and if you aren’t willing to invest the time WITH us to do your part, it’s just not going to work. Our process is such that you are guided every step of the way and our expectation is that you hold up your end of the bargain.

Even though your website design takes place anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks, your investment of time and energy is on-going. Your website doesn’t magically bring new clients or customers to you. It’s your responsibility to market your business.

4 – You expect us to “say yes to everything”

Our passion is working with purpose-driven service businesses. We advise on the best design for them to generate momentum with traffic and conversions.

We will tell you if we think something won’t work or could be done better. We advise on website copy, digital strategy and email marketing. If we didn’t, we’d feel we were doing a disservice to our clients.

For some people, this just isn’t going to work. They have a clear idea in mind of what they want and they need someone to build it for them. That’s no problem – we’re just not the right fit.  See also, reason #1

Our Web Design Solutions

Average investment is $4,000 - $6,500
Custom solutions and payment options are available.

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5 – You expect the website to do all the work

Websites are amazing. There’s no algorithm controlling what you can and can’t do, no limit on what you can incorporate for your business. Your website is all yours – that little space online, your home, that tells people who you are and what you do.

But your website won’t work on its own sitting there looking pretty. Even with the strategy behind the design – which we are adamant about – your website is a living, breathing, entity and needs to be tended to.

We can only do so much without your commitment to your own growth. We can design and build beautiful websites with conversions and SEO in mind, share all our ideas for growth, but if you’re not prepared to invest the time and a little elbow grease, then your website won’t work for you and we are unable to work that kind of magic.

“Growing” primarily means content marketing, email marketing, social media integration. There are so many things you can do to drive traffic to your website and increase conversions.

We’ll help you with this and give you all our knowledge. But ultimately, it comes down to you.

The success of your website is a partnership between us. If you expect the website to do all the work, we’re not the company for you.

6 – You want a big agency

My husband, Steve, and I own and operate our small but mighty web design business. We also have two side-kicks (cats) that enjoy our lifestyle alongside us and can occasionally be called on to help.

You might need (or prefer) an agency who has all the people, bells, whistles, and while we will occasionally reach out to experts we are close with to help us on a per-project basis, it’s not the norm.

We are a dynamic, coffee-drinking, animal-lovin’, travelin’ duo.

We work primarily with Beachbody coaches, spiritual coaches & healers and small service-based businesses (and a few nonprofits & churches) and enjoy whole-heartedly the personal, first-class experience we provide our clients.

We are small, mighty and rely on fresh, home-brewed coffee and mediation on the daily!

7 – You want to have full reign over your website

This is a big one so we saved it until the end. While you do own your website and can decide to leave our care and support plan once your website is paid in full, we discourage our clients from having full design and plugin capabilities while you are partnering with us.

In fact, we prohibit clients from accessing certain plugins and editing capabilities. Why?

Well, for one, you invested thousands of dollars into your website design and development, and now you want to get in there and design over what we have done. No. We don’t believe that is in your best interest. That’s like hiring an interior designer to come into your home and give you a complete makeover, then you turn around and paint the walls a different color, buy a new sofa, etc. That doesn’t make any sense.

Secondly, we want to keep the integrity of your website – just like the interior designer would like to keep the integrity of their work. This means that while we do provide simple ways for you to add your own blog posts, change an image or text here and there, for the most part, you are trusting in us (and paying us) to do those “minor” updates, changes, etc. on a regular basis.

What’s next for you?

It’s important you understand what our non-negotiables are so you can decide if we’re the right fit for you. We love our clients – they are family to us. We have had experiences where someone was not the right fit and this made for a really tense experience all the way around. There are so many web design companies out there and if we aren’t the right fit for you, let us know, we can possibly recommend one that is!

Although this article might seem a bit blunt, it comes from a place of wanting to help you make the right choice and helping you avoid wasting time and money.

If none of the above are you and we sound like a good fit to work together, take look at our solutions. Complete a short form and schedule your call. We’d love to chat with you!

Steve & Lisa Williams

Our desire to remain on the smaller, ‘mom and pop’ side of things keeps us close to each and every client we serve.

We deliver custom-built websites designed with a solid marketing strategy as the foundation. This ensures your online presence is not just aesthetically pleasing, but also geared towards achieving your business goals.

With our expert guidance, we know you can reach the next level in your business. Partner with us and experience the JoLi Design Solutions difference!