Our Web Design Solutions

Effective website design, marketing solutions, and systems that will maximize your impact and help your business grow with confidence and ease.

As a business owner, having a website is essential to staying competitive.

  • Increase your visibility and potential customer base and have a powerful tool to help you reach new heights.
  • Grow with your business, providing flexibility to do whatever you need, whenever you need it.
  • Create a professional image and ensure clients/customers are confident in your services.

    What do you receive as a result of our partnership?

    • A website with strategy, purpose and impact
    • A website that is managed through one of our WordPress Care Packages
    • You’ll have time to put your attention into the areas that are in your zone of genius
    • You’ll have more time to increase skills and knowledge
    • No longer zapped of energy trying to maintain your own website

    Our Web Design Solutions

    Average investment is $4,000 - $6,500
    Custom solutions and payment options are available.

    All Design Solutions Include:

    ➮ Custom website development & design
    ➮ The foundation to grow with more pages & functionality
    ➮ Branding package
    ➮ Basic search engine optimization
    ➮ Integration with social media & email marketing platform
    ➮ Mobile responsive
    ➮ Blog setup and design
    ➮ Fathom Analytics (learn why)

    Additional Services, Features & Functionality:

    ➮ Advanced search engine optimization
    ➮ Courses/memberships set up and design
    ➮ Podcast set up & design
    ➮ Advanced functionality on website
    New Email Marketing platform set up & integration with FluentCRM
    ➮ Google Workspace (professional email) setup
    ➮ Domain purchase and/or transfer
    ➮ E-commerce

    Core ☕️

    Starts at $2,500

    You need an online presence with a brand, offer and a bit about you... yesterday.

    This solution is perfect for those who are just starting out that require a simple but professional-looking website. It's time to let people know you are here to stay!

    ➮  Legal Policies license ($119/year)

    Essentials ☕️ ☕️

    Starts at $5,500

    You need a solid, well-designed website that works for you. Simple as that.

    This solution is aimed at small service-based businesses looking to grow and expand their digital presence. You're tired of the social media rat race and it's time to grow!

     Legal Policies license ($119/year)

    Grande ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

    Starts at $8,500

    If you're ready to take the plunge with your website, this is the solution for you.

    This is our top-of-the-line solution, designed specifically for established service-based businesses with a significant focus on maximizing their online presence.

    ➮ Includes Legal Policies license for one year

    With JoLi Design Solutions, you can be assured your website will be custom-built and designed with marketing strategy as the foundation.

    Are you ready for…

    • A branded, custom website designed with strategy, purpose and impact?
    • Business growth and marketing support?
    • Time and energy to focus on what you do best?
    • No longer being frustrated trying to design and maintain your website?

    Solutions start at $2,500 and the average client investment is $5,000.

    Getting Started

    Welcome To The JoLi Family!

    We’ll dot our “eyes” and cross our “tees” and prepare for your project. This includes, signing your agreement, paying deposit and gathering content.

    You’ll also have access to your own custom Client Portal that gives you insight to your project, documents and more.

    Strategy & Questionnaire

    Get ready for a deep dive into your business, dream client profile, problems your business solves, brand personality, design direction, and more.

    Project Kick-Off Call

    In our kick-off call, we’ll discuss website strategy and  you’ll get input and insight on the content needed for your website, with suggestions on how to communicate effectively on your website to drive conversions.


    One of the first steps we’ll take together is deciding on your brand’s font pairings, color palette and overall vibe. If you have this set already, we’re ahead of the game!

    Website Design

    WordPress Install & Techy Stuff

    Lisa will start with a fresh installation of WordPress, Divi, our premium plugins, licenses, etc. and get things set up so we’ll be ready to get into the fun stuff on your start date.

    Initial Design & Feedback

    You’ll provide feedback on your homepage and another subpage first as this will be the foundation for the remaining pages on your website.

    Design Remaining Pages

    Lisa will continue designing the remaining pages of your website and communicating throughout the process. This can take anywhere from a day or two to a week or so depending on which website solution you have chosen.

    Basic On-Page SEO

    We use SEOPress Pro – an industrry leading premium plugin – and Lisa will make sure page titles, meta descriptions and alt tags are optimized and keyword friendly.

    Inquire about our additional SEO services at any time.

    Revise & Optimize for Mobile/Speed

    We’ll make any revisions necessary and prepare for launch. Lisa will

    • Test all contact forms
    • Adjust and optimize for mobile and tablet
    • Cross browser check and any bug fixes
    • Input any additional SEO settings
    • Double check site grammar and content
    • Make all final client revisions
    • Add featured image to all pages

    Inquire about our additional SEO services at any time.

    Preprare For Launch Day

    Clean Up & Test

    It’s time to get ready to launch your website! Yay! Lisa will clean up unecessary plugins, images, etc… tidy up and test functionality. You’ll want to make sure your available as we approach launch day to give any last minute feedback.

    Google Search Console

    Lisa will add your site to Google Search Console and send a site map to Google so that “they” are aware your website is live and ready to go!

    Launch Day & Beyond

    Ready To Launch!

    Your website is live! Celebrate! We’ll make sure your website is good to go and do more techy stuff then it’s time to share your “home”.

    Moving Forward Call

    We’ll schedule this call to discuss your Care & Support Plan, how to request updates, other support we can provide and answer any questions you may have.

    On-Going Support

    We’re here to keep your website running strong and providing you with a solid foundation to grow your business. We hope you’ll be with us for a long time.

    Your Design Experience

    By creating a unique website that is strategically built to grow alongside the business, you can establish a strong online presence and attract new customers.

    Additionally, having a well-designed and functional website can increase customer engagement and brand loyalty, leading to long-term success.

    Grab a coffee, get comfy and read about your experience with JoLi Design Solutions.

    Projects take anywhere from one day to 4-5 weeks. 

    woman's hands on laptop with notebook beside her

    WordPress Care & Support Plan

    We’ve got your back for $99/m!

    Your website is crucial to the success of your business. You rely on it to establish your brand, attract clients and customers, and generate revenue.

    With our care plan, you will have full confidence that it’s online and operating as it should 24/7, without interruption

    ✔︎ 1 hour of support time per month
    ✔︎ Support tasks completed within 5-7 business days
    ✔︎ Quarterly Strategy Calls


    Maintenance & Software

    Premium hosting on our own server (value: $30/m)
    Premium website security protection (value: $20/m)
    Regular backups of your website
    Daily scans for viruses
    Malware scan & removal
    Weekly routine web maintenance
    Regular WordPress updates
    Regular theme and plugin updates
    Spam protection
    Access to multiple premium plugins (value: $800/year)
    Access to our team of experts

    web development (1)

    Monthly Support Tasks

    Your time resets every month.

    Navigation changes
    Moving existing content around
    Adding/removing promo banner
    Changing/adding text
    Short page with form (could possibly be a flat fee of $199)
    Scheduling a campaign email or two (I only work in FluentCRM or ConvertKit)
    Adding one blog post with 2-3 images that you’ve written
    Adding "a few" images to your website
    Changing/adding links to a scheduler, YouTube videos, etc.

    When you work with JoLi Design Solutions, your website is:

    Custom Designed

    Every business is different. We take great care in providing a website that is unique to you and makes you shine.

    Easy To Navigate

    Visitors want to find the information they are looking for and the easier it is for them to do so, the better for you.

    Managed & Maintained

    After your website is complete, we move forward with making sure you’re taken care of. We update, monitor and manage your website so you don’t have to.

    SEO Friendly

    You want Google to be able to find you and know what you do. This is accomplished by making sure your pages have good titles, descriptions and key words.


    Your website has our premium security in place and with our managed hosting care and support plan, we make sure that is ongoing and never have to worry.

    Fully Responsive

    Your site looks good on every device… period.

    Our Mission & Commitment

    At JoLi Design Solutions, we don't just build websites, we create the cornerstone of your digital marketing.

    Our desire to remain on the smaller, ‘mom and pop’ side of things keeps us close to each and every client we serve.

    We deliver custom-built websites designed with a solid marketing strategy as the foundation. This ensures your online presence is not just aesthetically pleasing, but also geared towards achieving your business goals.

    With our expert guidance, we know you can reach the next level in your business. Partner with us and experience the JoLi Design Solutions difference!

    You Hire Us - You Get Us


    Have the website you deserve!

    We masterfully design, create, and customize every site with unmatched passion and commitment. Rest assured, we're always on standby for support and guidance, taking immense pride in witnessing your business thrive!

    We've got everything covered, empowering you to focus on your expertise with absolute confidence.