7 strategies to increase your coaching website traffic

7 Strategies to Increase Your Coaching Website Traffic

Why do you need a website for your coaching business?

So I believe a website is a non-negotiable and integral part of any business because it provides a way to connect with current and potential clients. Your coaching website can also provide information about what you offer, your products, and registration for programs or courses.

You can also showcase testimonials from happy clients and customers. A website is also a great way to collect email addresses with a lead magnet to keep in touch with your clients and market to them in the future.

Why is getting more traffic coaching website is crucial to your success?

Getting more website traffic is crucial because it means that more people will engage with your content, learn who you are, what you do and how you can help them. You want to bring in as much traffic as possible because this increases the likelihood that people will want to work with you, register for your programs or at the very least, opt-in to an offer you have which means they want to hear more from you.

What’s the point of having a website if nobody ever sees it? Traffic equals growth. Since you want to build your coaching business, you want to not only share on social media, but you also want to increase traffic to your website.

Without any additional visits, your business will never grow, and you’ll end up with nothing but an unused website.

The truth is that as long as you have something online people can find and visit, there are ways to improve how often they come back for more.

So yes, Website traffic is a big deal. If you don’t have enough of it, your coaching business might not grow and thrive.

7 Techniques to increase your coaching website traffic

1 – Provide valuable content on your website

Providing valuable content will help attract new visitors who might not have found your site otherwise. It also will help you rank higher in search results.

You can provide valuable content for website traffic and get visitors to your site by talking about topics in your blog articles that your niche audience is interested in.

This will help you grow a more engaged audience, which most coaches are looking for.

2 – Use social media marketing to connect

Social media platforms are a great way to connect with potential clients and customers and promote your services, programs & courses, as well as free offers you have available. You can also use them to drive traffic to your website.

By providing your audience with just enough helpful content in your captions on Instagram, Pinterest, or wherever you hang out, you can then direct them to your website to learn more and hopefully take action.

Then once they are on your website, you guide them along and have specific calls-to-actions that would lead them to join you in your programs and even become a coach on your team.

3 – Optimize your website for search engines

One of the most important things you can do to increase website traffic is to optimize it for search engines. This means using the correct keywords and ensuring that your site is easy to navigate. Using an SEO plugin makes this easier to do. We use SEOPress Pro on all our client sites.

There is quite a bit of functionality we can implement and the more basic titles, keywords and meta descriptions are always completed during you web design and development.

Optimizing your website will help you rank higher in organic search results on sites such as Google and Pinterest, which means that more people will see your site. It can also help you attract new visitors who might not have found your site otherwise.

“SEO drives 1000%+ more traffic than organic social media.”
(Source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics)

4 – Create a strong branding strategy

A strong branding strategy will help people remember who you are and what you stand for. This will help you attract new clients and keep them coming back. Having a solid brand strategy, look and feel, vibe, etc. is going to help you be noticed. Your brand carries over into every aspect of your business and help you establish authority.

I believe this also shows that you are serious about growing your business. You take pride in what you do and want to share authentically with others.

5 – Use blog posts to increase your website traffic

Blog posts are a great way to attract new website visitors. Besides improving your search engine ranking, an active blog will allow you to gain trust and credibility with your niche audience, thus leading to more opportunities for potential Beachbody clients and team members to engage and learn more about you.

Consider sharing your blog articles, and anything really, on Pinterest. It can be a game-changer for you. Pinterest is a search engine and operates in much the same way Google does – only visually. I’m sure you’ve used Pinterest before!

6 – Include links for social sharing an social follow

Encourage people to share your blog articles or other content on their own social media platforms by including sharing icons and links. This will increase the chance that more people will see it!

Having people who land on your website and providing the option to follow you on social media is also helpful. This is a great way to share more of you on a regular basis while sending people BACK to your website.

Don’t make your social icons TOO obvious because you don’t want people to immediately jump off your website. Having your icons in the footer allows people to follow you on your social media platforms, but on your blog you want social SHARING options. This is different.

7 – Set up an email marketing campaign

If you use an email management tool, you can send out campaigns to people who have subscribed or share your blog content with them directly. This is a great way to reach out to clients, provide value and encourage repeat website viewers!

If you don’t currently have an email marketing platform, get one started now! We use FluentCRM and a lot of our clients use it as well. This platform is a plugin on your WordPress website so everything is in one place. There is no limit on subscribers. You pay one yearly subscription for as many subscribers as you want.

Side Note: We recently redesigned a website for a current client and we discussed her email marketing platform and the possibility of changing from ConvertKit to FluentCRM. While I do like ConvertKit and used it a few years ago, she was paying over $700 a year because she has over 5,000 subscribers! And FluentCRM is $129 per year no matter how many subscribers you have. Needless to say, we are moving her to FluentCRM.

Final Thoughts

The internet is a large place, and it can be challenging to get your content noticed in such a crowded space. Your website is an evolving place online that is your home. It’s never “done”. The more you can implement the strategies above, continue to fine-tune your content, and improve your SEO, you will see an increase in traffic to your coaching website.

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Steve & Lisa Williams

At JoLi Design Solutions, we don’t just build websites, we create the cornerstone of your digital marketing. Our desire to remain on the smaller, ‘mom and pop’ side of things keeps us close to each and every client we serve.
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